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about the study

This research study explores the experiences of sex workers who live and work in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. These compelling photographs were created as part of a 15-month study. The artists share their experiences across the following areas: The Industry, Healthcare, Law, Supports, Foundations, and Basic Needs.


The study included individuals who were 18 years or older and self-identified as women, trans, or non-binary people who receive money or goods for sexual services. All have been working and/or living in the province for at least six months.


The research draws on Community-Based Participatory Visual Research. The artists shared their experiences through visual media. This enacts Paulo Freire’s (1970) work about critical consciousness through imagery that explores the social world in which the artists live.


This is the first human rights study of its kind in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Our goal is to raise awareness and create an understanding of the life experiences of sex workers. Ultimately, it’s our hope that we will increase support for people involved in sex work.

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