the visual stories of sex work
Major Learnings

what are some of the major learnings?
Current Canadian laws need to change
While we have different views about the best legal model (decriminalization, legalization), everyone agreed that the current Canadian laws aren’t working.
Violence and safety are issues. We need more control over who we work with, how we work, and where we work. We need control over communication practices and advertising services.
Safe work options — supported by legislation — are required.
Education and training for law enforcement and healthcare professionals
A non-judgemental approach makes a difference.
Recognize that sex work and trafficking are different.
Meeting basic needs
More affordable housing and easier access to shelters.
Better access to food, clothing, the Internet, and cell phones.
Affordable childcare and counselling services.
Universal dental, health, and optical insurance is required.
More supports and resources
Relationships with friends and families can be challenging, especially in small towns. Here’s what works well: supportive friends, non-judgemental services, sharing our stories with one another, industry apps, and the comfort of pets and animals.
Service providers must work together to meet sex workers where they are at.
Recognize there is a diversity of experiences across the continuum.
Create a central resource hub, including 24-hour support access.
Offer support groups on the topics of sexual health and mental health.
We need information sessions about marketing, managing clients, and balancing finances.